Friday, August 10, 2007

Asian Pie IV

a short while ago in a college not far away......
I am not being lazy by the way, but facebook kept me away from writing a new post.
haha something really funny happen on that same fateful day. Remember the girl I mentioned from last post, Katie? well on the way back to the camp she taught me to sing a song called...lipfloss. yeah, she made a guy to sing a girl's song, that i am that guy! but we had fun...or at least she did
so when we got back, the whole group decided to jump into the pool and play some pool side football. Nothing special, and that night, we did some karaoke. thats right, so katie and I started off with a Hilary Duff song (another girl song she picked, she didnt like the Green Day song i picked). Here are some pics:

(I looked awkward, but one thing i gotta point out is that i am taller than her, she was just standing on a step in that pic)
so we visited UCI and UCSD the next day. pretty cool and at night we gotta watch Harry Potter. Here are some other pics

Katie with her "birthday cake"

HAHA i love this pic. GANGSTA

asian pie starring: the white best friend, the asian dude, and the persian roomate.
haha some remarkable things happened during the movie. katie kept asking me whats going on, who is that guy in the corner, and we also talked about the seventh book during the movie. wispering loudly (the seventh book wasnt out yet)
so here is a preview of the next episode: hollywood, SAT diagnostic test, beach and universal studio. so stay tuned for another episode of ASIAN PIE